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Parent Support 


Between now and the end of the year parents have the opportunity to take part in a number of live webinars around young people's mental health dealing with topics such as Anxiety, Friendships &  Exam Stress  - details are attached.  Here is the link to sign up to access the webinars.

Sign Up Here

January 2025 Update - Neart


On Friday 24th May 2024  Jigsaw celebrated their One Good School Initiative with all schools who took part over the last 5 years. The work that was undertaken was recognised and celebrated by Jigsaw staff, teachers and students across the country.  At this point in time Jigsaw were awaiting news of the outcome of the tender process issued by the Department of Education to work in partnership with them to provide mental health support in post primary schools nationwide.


In September we were delighted to hear that Jigsaw were successful in procuring this tender. The launch of their national programme “Neart”  took place recently on 16th January and it is informed by and follows the same format as the One Good School initiative. This means that we will continue to run this programme  with additional support from NEPS (The National Educational Psychological Service) / Department of Education. 


The programme is a whole school approach to mental health providing support for students, teachers and parents. Parents will again be offered live webinars on relevant topics and we will keep in touch with you in relation to this.

January 2024 Update

One Good School Webinar 

Jigsaw are offering a  parent/guardian webinar on 'Friendships and Mental Health' . It is taking place next Tuesday 6th February at 7.30pm


The poster has a live link at the bottom which will bring you to the One Good School Portal homepage where you  can log in and register for the webinar.  If you had an account last year you can log in with the same username and password otherwise you will need to set up an account before being able to register. 

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November 2023 Update

Difficulty with body image affects people of any gender. In today’s society, there is a focus on physical appearance and the ‘perfect body’ and social media can emphasise this.

Scrolling through Instagram and making comparisons between ourselves and what we see is very common. This can distort our sense of body image, creating unrealistic expectations of how we should look and as such, is impacting on the mental health of many young people.

Jigsaw are offering an online webinar this coming Tuesday evening to support parents around this.


Parents can sign in again or, if you are a new parent, sign up through this link.

May 2023 Update

In May 2023 we received the Jigsaw One Good School Gold Award. The aim of One Good School is to enable schools to share the responsibility for promoting and supporting youth mental health across the whole-school community to ensure better mental health outcome for young people. Ireland, where all young people's mental health is valued and supported. We continue to be part of the program.

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February 2023 Update

We are now in the final stage of the One Good School Program which began in September 2021. Here is an outline of what has happened since our last update and what we aim to do before the end of the school year:-



  • 6th Years have completed an in person 2 hour workshop with Jigsaw Staff - My   Mental Health What Helps ?

  • 6th Years have completed an Exam Stress Course

  • 4 Transition Year Students have reached  Week 6 of  a 12 week Peer Education Programme


Staff continue to be offered webinars and cluster sessions with other Donegal Schools exploring themes such as Self Esteem and Self Harm.  School Management have completed 2 out of a total of 3 Leadership Webinars with the final one taking place next term - themes so far have been Eating Disorders and Supporting LGBT+ Students.


In December a self-directed online parent course on Mental Health Awareness was offered to all parents.

Next Steps


 Staff will be offered a final cluster session and webinar before the end of the school year. 


TY students will complete their Peer Education training over the next 4 weeks. They have been working with students from Crana College and Carndonagh Community School throughout their training schedule.  On completion of this training they will deliver presentations to Junior Cycle Students on mental health issues and consequently will graduate with Jigsaw as Peer Educators.


Parents will be offered a final webinar on Mental Health Awareness. This is the second part of the Jigsaw Parent Webinar series. It will focus on the theme of Young People and Friendships and will take place on 14th March. 

Parents can log in again here One Good School Login or there is still time to sign up if you haven’t already. Further promotion will take place on the school’s social media channels over the next few weeks. We would like to thank all the parents who have taken part in the webinars and online course to date. We would encourage as many parents as possible to take part in the final webinar so that we can best support our young people.

The One Good School Team

074 9385988

© 2021 Moville Community College

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