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Junior Cycle

Junior Cycle caters for students in the first three years of their post-primary education.

The Junior Cycle was introduced on a phased basis between September 2014 and September 2021. It features revised subjects and short courses, a focus on key skills, and new approaches to assessment and reporting.

Junior Cycle aims to achieve a balance between learning subject knowledge and developing a wide range of skills and thinking abilities.


Schools have more freedom to design Junior Cycle programmes that meet the learning needs of all students. For students, the Junior Cycle curriculum available in their schools is a mix of subjects and short courses as well as other learning experiences. In addition to classroom-based assessments, students complete state examinations at the end of their three year Junior Cycle and receive a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement.

From 2022, all Junior Cycle subjects and short courses have been revised and the Junior Certificate has been phased out. All links to curriculum documents for the previous junior certificate programme can be found in the subject archives on

Junior Cycle Summary Video

Junior Cycle New Terms

074 9385988

© 2021 Moville Community College

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