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Overseas Travel at Christmas

Moville Community College

This notice applies to all ETB schools in Donegal.

Re: Travel Abroad for Students over the Christmas Period

3rd December 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope you are looking forward to the Christmas period after a most challenging year for us all. During the Christmas period, many families have traditionally travelled for family gatherings. I wish to draw your attention to the updated advice as regards overseas travel in light of the forthcoming Christmas holiday period. I am doing this to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings arising on your son/daughter returning to school in January 2021.

The Irish authorities advise against all non-essential travel overseas until further notice. This includes Great Britain but does not apply to Northern Ireland. It also includes all travel by cruise ship. In line with the EU traffic lights approach, there are no entry restrictions on travellers returning to Ireland from green regions. Passengers entering Ireland from red, orange and grey regions are requested to restrict their movements for 14 days.

If your son/daughter travels back to Ireland from a country designated as red, orange or grey, this will necessitate a period of restricted movement that will mean they cannot attend school during the 14 days.

Should your son/daughter return from a “Green List” country, there will be no requirement to restrict his/her movements. The “Green List” is reviewed regularly and may change, and you should be aware that whatever restricted movement requirements are in place on your son/daughter’s date of return will apply to them.

This requirement is necessary for the protection of the whole school community. This guidance is subject to review in accordance with any changes to public health and travel advice. Should you be considering travelling abroad, it is important that you check the latest advice before travelling and also before travelling back to Ireland.

Yours sincerely

Anthony Doogan



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