Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you are aware the Minister of Education announced that formal Junior Cycle exams will not take place this June. Schools have instead been asked to issue a school report detailing the students learning achievements over the 3 years at Junior Cycle. Students will also be awarded a state certificate of completion which will be issued by the Department of Education later in the year.
On the school report your child will receive; 1. A grade in each subject your child has undertaken in Junior Cycle. This final grade will be a combination of assessments already undertaken during their 3 years in Junior Cycle and further in-class assessments which will all be completed before May 21st.
2. A report on their achievement in any Classroom Based Assessments that your child has completed in Second and/or Third Year.
This final Report on Junior Cycle Achievement will be posted home to you and your child in June and we believe it will offer you a true reflection of your child’s effort and achievement while in their Junior Cycle in Moville Community College.
Yours sincerely,
Caroline Doherty.
Deputy Principal.