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Moville Community College

End of Term arrangements 2021

11th May 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope you and your families are all keeping well. We are currently planning for the end of the school year and wish to share the following information and dates with you:

· All classes will continue as normal for all years up to 3.10pm on Friday 28th May.

· Summer exam timetables have been released to all First, Second, Third, TY and Fifth years. All students should have received a copy of the exam timetable and they are attached below. All exams will occur in class time and students should follow their timetable as normal. Please check the exam timetable regarding the dates the exams will commence.

· Sixth Year students will follow a normal timetable up to the 28th May. Students who have opted for accredited grades only will finish their formal classes this Friday May 14th as this the final day for their assessments. Any student who is only sitting one or two subjects are expected to attend for these classes only, but they must hand a letter into the main office from home stating what subjects they will be present for. Any student sitting three or more subjects in June will follow their timetable as normal.

· Unfortunately, we cannot hold our annual 6th year farewell in the usual way due to the ongoing situation and we thank you for your understanding.

Finally we would like to thank you for your continued cooperation in helping to keep our school as safe as possible. We ask you to continue to be vigilant and impress upon your children the importance of minimising their social contacts, the wearing of face masks and maintaining social distancing on their way to and from school. Please do not send your child to school if he/she presents with symptoms of COVID-19 or if he/she is identified as a close contact.

Yours Sincerely,

Caroline Doherty.

Deputy Principal

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