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Enrolment 2025/2026

Dear Parents/Guardians of Incoming Students

Enrolment for the school year 25/26 will open in January 2025. Applications can be completed online via the online form attached below. Please ensure you complete each section of the online application and click submit at the end. Alternatively a paper copy of the application form can be requested through the school office. 

It's easy to apply online. Just follow these 3 simple steps.
1. Click on the online application below.
2. Complete all sections of the form.
3. Click submit.

Online Application for Admission to Moville Community College 2024/2025 - HERE 

Enrolment 2025/2026 Documents

MCC Admissions Notice 25/26

MCC Admissions Policy 25/26

Admission Dates 25/26

074 9385988

© 2021 Coláiste Pobail Bhun an Phobail

Tá an fhaisnéis atá ar na leathanaigh ghréasáin seo, chomh fada agus is eol dúinn, fíor agus cruinn ag am foilsithe agus chun críocha faisnéise amháin í. Ní ghlacann Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Dhún na nGall le haon dliteanas as aon chaillteanas nó damáiste a eascraíonn as úsáid nó ag brath ar an bhfaisnéis seo.

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