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Moville Community College Uniform

The school uniform originated as a recommendation from the inaugural Parents Association. The uniform instills a sense of belonging to the school. The school uniform may be the most economical way for parents to dress their children for School. All students are required to wear the prescribed school uniform.


The uniform is:

  • A bottle green jumper with a crest affixed

  • Plain black trousers or a knee length black skirt. No denims/leathers. No leggings except on PE days.

  • Shirt - sage green or plain white.

  • School tie.

  • School coat with crest or a plain all black Jacket with no logos.

  • Black shoes with a black sole. No visible logos or markings.

  • Black socks/tights.

Physical Education.

The PE uniform is as follows:

  • School half-zip with crest

  • Black tracksuit bottoms or all black leggings.

  • Black runners.

The full PE uniform should be worn to school on the day you have PE timetabled - the normal school uniform must be worn on non-PE days.


Jewellery may not be worn if, in the opinion of the principal or subject teacher, it is a health and safety risk.

Presentation of the uniform.

  • Ties should be knotted and visible.

  • Shirts tucked in at all times.

  • If a necklace is worn it should be under the shirt.

  • Scarves are not to be worn during class.

Roles & Responsibility
The wearing of the correct school uniform by each student is the responsibility of his or her parent/guardian. The uniform will be monitored by all staff on a daily basis, particularly by the tutor at assembly and the subject teacher in period 1. All personal belongings, uniforms etc. should be clearly marked with the owner’s name as no responsibility can be taken by the school for the loss of belongings or money.

074 9385988

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